is an interesting side effect of getting a tattoo. For some people, the
process and the pain is the more important part, and the art is just
secondary, almost like a rites of passage. Some people don’t mind the
pain so much. For others, they want the art very badly, but wish they
could get it without the pain. Whatever group you fall into, know that
tattoos do hurt. It is a few needles repeatedly entering your skin, so
pain should be expected. Where you get the tattoo, though, will change
greatly how much pain you will feel.


pain should be a factor in deciding where you place your tattoo is only
for you to decide. Many people will bear it in order to have the tattoo
placed exactly where they choose, others might be willing to move it to
another, more bearable, location.


has a different experience with pain and tattoos. Every person will
tell you something differently. I have personally tattooed hundreds of
people, and can tell you there are no generalizations. Some women and
men do horribly, no matter where they get tattooed, while some women
and men can sit without the slightest hint of discomfort. I have not
seen any difference between men and women at all.


are two types of body parts that most people do have a deal more pain
than others, being on bone and on fleshy places. Tattooing on bone,
like your skull, spine, elbow, sternum, etc, will not only be painful,
but it will vibrate that area which is another unpleasant feeling. The
person being tattooed might feel like the machine is going much deeper
than it actually does. The fleshy areas, like the stomach, crotch area,
inner thighs, under arm, and armpit, seem to cause a much more sharp
pain and a pinching feeling. The skin needs to be stretched while
tattooing, and the fleshy areas need to be stretched even more, which
adds to the discomfort.


tattooed in an area that has some muscle mass like an arm or back or
calve seems to be the least painful for most people. Keep in mind that
your mental state also has a lot to do with how well you handle the
pain. You shouldn’t be overly tired or emotionally exhausted, nor too
cold or too hot. Talk to your tattoo artist if you’re uncomfortable
in any way, because there might be some adjustments that can be made to
make you sit better, which will make you both happier.
